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6 Beneficial Tips on Saving Energy When Using HVAC

The usual household in the U.S. spends over $2,000/year on energy bills. Nearly half of this energy is solely for heating and cooling expenses. Energy-saving can, however, be achieved very easily and inexpensively. There are simple and smart ways to adjust your home’s heating, ventilating, and HVAC systems to significantly lower your utility bills.

This article will provide you with some HVAC energy-saving tips that can hopefully help you optimize your HVAC system and save you some cash in the process.

Use Fans To Circulate Air

From elementary physics, we know that hot air rises, and cold air sinks. If the airflow stagnates somewhere, hot air goes upward, heating the air above your head near the attic, whereas cold air settles down because it’s denser. This is, of course, favorable in the summer if you’re near the floor, but not if you’re somewhere in the upper floor rooms.

Due to this phenomenon, in winter you have to pay money to heat up a room. Using a fan allows you to prevent air stagnation by circulating it around. Irrespective of the season, you need to get the air moving. A ceiling fan is an ideal option.

Utilize Solar Energy

Among energy bill reducing tips, using solar energy is perhaps the most eco-friendly one. On cold sunny days, you can take full advantage of daylight by opening up the shades and throwing back the curtains. Internal temperature can considerably increase with sunlight streaming into your home.

Don’t forget to avoid direct sunlight for too long; excessive sun & UV rays exposure can lead to sunburn and more serious health problems. Conversely, on hot days, you want to keep the sun away, keep the blinds down, and shut the drapes. Installing shutters and awnings can also help you keep unwanted sunlight away.

Ensure Optimum Thermostat Settings

If the difference between inside and outside temperature is slight (compared to drastic indoor/outdoor differences in temperature), your energy bill will likely be lower. If the performance of the AC system isn’t optimum, these differences would most likely be among the possible causes of high electric bills. When you’re leaving the house, don’t forget to lower the thermostat. If you can afford it, consider using a programmable one.

You can adjust your thermostat habits, meaning, for instance, increasing the thermostat temp one notch in summer and decreasing it one notch in winter. Experiment all different settings possible— even with a slight change, you’ll likely see its effects in your bills.

Change Your Air Filters Regularly

A new air filter can prevent dust and dirt from clogging the system. To have an efficient HVAC unit, look into your filters, at least on a monthly basis or as recommended by the manufacturer. If the filter is dirty, change it every three months or so.

To remember to switch out filters, set a reminder on your phone. It’s also a good idea to make a home checklist and write it down. Excessive pet hair, living in dusty areas, or floating allergens can sometimes cause air quality issues. These shorten the schedule for changing the filters. Alternatively, you can upgrade the filter to capture more and smaller particles.

Regular Checkups

Have your HVAC professionally inspected on a regular basis to ensure an efficient operation for many years to come. It may cost you some money, but improving efficiency and controlling your energy consumption will soon make up for it.

In case you use your unit for both heating and cooling, you may schedule the inspection twice a year. Once for your heating system during the fall, and once for your cooling system during the spring. This is primarily to check electrical connections, inspect the system controls, lubricate the motors, and so forth.

Protect HVAC From Sunlight & Debris

As mentioned above, too much sunlight isn’t good for your health. The same holds for your HVAC; too much sunlight can increase the energy consumption of your AC system.  When installing the system outside, make sure the unit is permanently placed in a shaded area. This shouldn’t be in tree shade or shrubs because shedding leaves can result in blocked ventilation.

The HVAC unit can get clogged by dirt or debris, leading to a vent system working much less efficiently compared to normal conditions. Obviously, this wastes considerable energy. If you’re placing your HVAC unit outside, try to keep things as clear as possible. Protect them from the sunlight and leaves that might be shed from trees or bushes nearby.

Further Tips

  • An energy audit can increase the overall efficiency of HVAC as well as to detect where there’s energy waste.
  • Use energy-efficient (smart) appliances. These are designed to use minimum energy for a task you’d perform with normal appliances.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) can help you automate many tasks and save a lot of energy and time.

The Alternative

Have you prepared your home for the coming winter months? Why not save even more money with Peso Power‘s prepaid electricity offers? It’s another great way to lower your electric bill during hot days or cold seasons. Contact us to get started today.

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