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An Energy-Saving Checklist; Homes in Winter

As we approach the winter months, we should prepare ourselves and our property for every possible incident ahead. Most importantly, we should carefully perform a set of systematic tasks to weather the cold season and be cozy and warm when it’s chilly outside.

There are steps you should take, and here below, we’ll provide a concise winter preparedness checklist for your consideration.

Check Your Heating System

If your heating system hasn’t been in operation for a while, switch it on to see if it’s functioning correctly.

It’s also wise to:

  • Clean Air Filters & Vents: To have an efficient heating system, you should change air filters regularly. This would prevent dust and dirt from clogging the system.
  • Carry Out Seasonal Maintenance: It’s crucial to have regular checkups in your winter checklist, ensuring the heating system runs efficiently for multiple years. Having a qualified technician may cost you some money, but it’s worth it considering the efficiency improvement you’ll receive.

Window Insulation

A single pane of glass can lose you ten times as much energy as the same area of an insulated wall. If it’s not possible to replace the windows altogether, window insulation is an easy solution.

Three of the easiest methods to insulate your windows are:

  • Adding window insulation film
  • Covering your windows with bubble wrap
  • Using thermal curtains for your windows

Furnace Tune-Up & Cleaning

Move materials (especially flammable materials) away from the furnace. Clear the area around the blower from dust or debris.

Your winter home maintenance checklist should include a regular checkup of your heating system. Make sure your pilot light is burning properly (shape of flame and its color).

Avoid the winter rush by making an appointment with an HVAC professional on time. A qualified professional would check the technical details of your unit, for example, lubricating the blower motor or checking for corrosion. Your winter maintenance checklist should also include replacing your furnace air filter regularly.

Detect & Fix Air Leaks

For a home that isn’t sealed correctly, air leaks can squander a large amount of energy in winter times. It’s, therefore, necessary to fix air leaks as part of your winter checklist for home maintenance.

It’s possible to save up to 20% on energy costs by properly sealing and insulating your home. This includes, for example, outside walls, ceiling, foundation, windows, doors, and floor.

Walk around and look for cracks, holes, or missing caulking near any window or door. Air leaks can also lead to issues like insects and mosquitoes. Plumping tubes and electrical equipment passing through the house are possible candidate areas for air leaks.

Air leaks can be detected by utilizing a number of techniques. This ranges from simple things like using an incense stick, a flashlight, or even the back of your hand to more advanced detection methods such as infrared cameras.

Seal the leaks you detected with caulk, self-adhesive weather stripping, and spray foam. Install fiberglass insulation on the attic during the cold months and remove it for the summer.

Install Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors

A house fire can be nightmarish for any homeowner. According to reliable data, heating systems are the second most common cause of fires in the U.S. If boilers, HVAC units, and heaters aren’t properly maintained, they can set your home on fire.

To prevent this, our winter home checklist includes verifying that the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly.

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and flammable gas exclusively responsible for the most common type of fatal air poisoning in many countries. You wouldn’t know it’s there until you begin to feel its effects on you, and by then it’s too late!

Check Your Fireplace & Chimney

Another possible hazard that can set your home on fire is an unswept chimney. Flammable soot or creosote can build up alongside your chimney when your fireplace is working around the clock.

If oxygen and heat are provided, then these flammable substances can catch fire. Leaves, debris, or even bird’s nests can block the chimney, causing a chimney fire as well.

The following are some additional winter preparedness home checklist tips:

  • Utilize optimum settings on your programmable thermostat; experiment with different settings and see how slight temp changes can affect your bills.
  • Be ready for emergencies: inspect your fire extinguisher. If needed, replace it.
  • Use fans to circulate the air; this allows air stagnation prevention.

Bottom Line

At Peso, we firmly believe that our customers deserve to have safe and reliable possibilities when it comes to their energy-saving plans. Contact us for more data and further practical tips.

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