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How to Choose an Energy Plan According to Your Energy Usage

Have you been wondering how to find the best energy provider for your budget and needs? If you’re a Texas resident living in a deregulated area, you have the freedom to shop around for your choice in power providers! This can be a major money saver when it comes time to choose electricity packages and prices that suit your specific needs.

Peso Power, the #1 retail utility provider in Texas, always offers unbeatable rates and promotions to their customers. Read on for some pro tips on how to choose the best energy plan based on your household’s habits and consumption.

Plenty of options

What makes Peso Power the top choice for so many consumers in Texas? In addition to offering plans that require NO deposit, NO credit check, and NO S.S.N./I.D., Peso provides an array of choices designed with the customer in mind.

  • Prepaid electricity—if you’re trying to cut costs, your monthly electric bill is now an area in which you can exert some control, thanks to prepaid electricity packages from Peso Power.
    • Prepaid electricity, also commonly known as “pay-as-you-go” power plans, allow you to pay for your utility usage on the front end, or before the energy is used.
    • This is great for individuals or families looking to spend a specific amount on their electric bill.
    • How does it work? Simple! Smart Meters, which are electronic devices installed to record and transmit electricity usage data in real time, allow consumers to track their household’s energy habits, scaling back where/whenever necessary in order to stay within the predetermined budget.
    • If the end of the billing cycle has not yet arrived, but your account balance appears to be a little too low for comfort, there’s no need to worry. You have the ability to add funds to your account quickly and easily to tide you over until the next billing cycle begins.
    • Consumers who go the prepaid electricity route are in complete control over their spending, which comes in handy especially when saving money is key.
  • Postpaid electricity—If prepaid electricity doesn’t sound appealing to you, Peso Power also offers great rates and packages with their traditional postpaid plans.
    • Postpaid electricity is the most common and traditionally-known type of payment plan. With postpaid electricity, consumers pay for their power usage at the end of the billing cycle, once usage has already occurred.
    • Postpaid plans might be right for you if you’re not overly concerned about spending a set amount of money on your power bill each month.
    • Postpaid plans are also popular with individuals/couples who live alone or in smaller spaces and do not typically exceed their monthly utility budget.
    • Postpaid plans can also be a smart route to take for those who do not wish to track or monitor their usage habits as closely as others may choose to do.

You can’t go wrong with Peso Power

No matter which Peso Power electricity plan you choose to enroll in, you’re always approved and always in good hands with the state’s top retail energy provider.

  • In addition to prepaid and postpaid electricity options, Peso Power also offers small business energy plans to help power your growing company—literally.
  • Compared to the competition, Peso’s prices, policies, and customer service simply can’t be beat.
  • Peso Power stands behind the belief that every individual and family deserves access to affordable, dependable utilities and reliable customer service.
  • Don’t let your fear of not having an I.D., unstable finances, or not having a large amount of cash to plunk down on a hefty deposit stop you from reaching out to the Peso team—they’ve got you covered!

Stop waiting for the perfect time to get your power turned on—the time is now! Call, email, or visit and experience stellar service—in as little as two hours, depending on where you live! Join the Peso Power family today!

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