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What is Renewable Energy?

This planet is the only one we’ve got—so we’d better take care of it! The task of protecting our environment, while important, can seem like a pretty overwhelming task—so where can we start? One way that consumers and power providers alike can make a big impact is by relying more on renewable energy.

What is renewable energy?

  • Also referred to as “clean energy,” renewable energy means utilizing natural resources that are constantly replenished so that they never “run out” or become depleted.
  • The most common types of renewable energy sources are wind and solar power. By using energy from the sun and wind power, power providers are able to provide electricity without relying on the harmful emissions and pollutants that are associated with resources like fossil fuels.
  • Using renewable energy sources is a way of putting the planet to work for humankind without damaging the world around us. Plant, animal, and human life all benefit from a kinder, gentler way of using our sustainable energy resources to provide power, or “green electricity.”

Why should I choose green electricity?

  • In addition to protecting the planet, reusable energy is becoming increasingly prevalent in the electricity market. The utilization of solar panels and wind turbines has already proven to be reliable methods of providing power for large masses of consumers without compromising the dependability of the national electricity grid.
  • Using renewable energy also curbs costs for consumers. Who doesn’t want to save money? By drastically reducing the need for costly power plants, utility companies save large amounts of money. These savings can then get passed on to you—the customer.
  • Clean, renewable energy also creates more jobs—a lot more! Wind turbine technicians, clean energy auditors, and developers of electric cars are just some of the positions in-demand as the popularity of clean energy rises. More jobs mean a boost to the economy—which is always needed!

About Peso Power

Peso Power is the #1 power provider in Texas. In addition to offering competitive rates, unbeatable promotions (three months of free electricity, anyone?!), and a skilled customer service team are all key ingredients in Peso Power’s success.

Here are some other top-notch perks that come with enrolling in one of Peso Power’s utility plans:

  • Everyone is approved. No one will be left in the dark with Peso Power. Do you have a shaky financial situation? No problem! You can get connected with one of Peso’s affordable, dependable power plans with NO credit check, NO deposit, and NO I.D. or SSN needed to sign up for service.
  • Speaking of signing up for services with Peso—it’s super-fast! Depending on where you live in Texas, you may be able to have your power hooked up that same day, and possibly in as little as two hours.
  • Peso Power also has the right plan for everybody. Are you a small business owner in Texas? Check out Peso’s awesome small business electricity plans, with rates guaranteed to keep your company growing and thriving.
  • Peso Power’s traditional postpaid electricity plans are another popular pick with consumers. Postpaid plans require payment at the end of the billing cycle after power consumption has already occurred. These plans are great for those without concerns over their monthly billing amount.
  • Cutting costs? Consider one of Peso Power’s prepaid electricity plans. These “pay as you go” plans allow customers to pay for their electricity ahead of time—that is, before the usage occurs.
  • By using electronic devices called Smart Meters that record and transmit power usage in real-time, consumers can track and scale back their usage whenever necessary. You can also add funds to your account if your balance dips too low for your liking or needs.

Don’t sit around worrying and waiting to have your power turned on by the professionals. Call, email, or fill the inquiry form and see why Peso Power is the #1 retail energy provider in Texas!

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